How to create a feeling of spaciousness in a small house design

How to Create a Feeling of Spaciousness in a Small House Design

How to create a feeling of spaciousness in a small house design

A feeling of spaciousness is one of the most desirable traits in new build homes across NSW and ACT. Even if you have a small house design, you won’t have to worry about feeling cramped as long as you achieve the right combination of architectural design and interior decoration. Here at MexLucky, we've helped countless people build beautiful small houses that feel big.

To help you in your journey towards spacious small house floor plans, we've put together a guide to some of our favourite techniques. It’s amazing how much of a difference high ceilings, paint colours, good air flow and windows can make to new build homes. Check out our space saving ideas for small houses that will stop you feeling claustrophobic and cluttered.

Embrace High Ceilings in Small House Plans

How to Create a Feeling of Spaciousness in a Small House Design

Square meterage on the floor plan isn't the only factor in how large a room feels. Even if you're in a 'small' room, a high ceiling will always impart a feeling of spaciousness. With higher ceilings in small house plans, there's room for more shelving, taller wardrobes and bigger bookcases. If you can store your things vertically, rather than horizontally, there will be more space around in which to move and live.

Keep Internal Paint Colours Consistent

Spaciousness in a Small House Design

Years ago, the trend was to paint one of your interior walls a bold colour. These 'feature walls' looked interesting, but in drawing attention to themselves, they made people extra-aware of where the walls were in a room, making the room seem smaller in the process. Today, it is best practice to paint the internal walls of a small house in consistent, light colours. McDonald Jones display homes offer many examples of contemporary paint colours that enhance the overall space.

Prioritise Plenty of Windows

Large windows create a sense of space

When you're looking out of a clear window, you feel connected to the outside world. A room with a large window or a glass sliding door allows for a line of sight that stretches far beyond the walls of a home. If you have a smaller floor plan, make sure to maximise window space and choose coverings that add to the design, not take away from the view.

Keep the Air Flowing

Indoor Outdoor Space for Small House Plans

Sight is only one of the ways we perceive spaciousness. It's important to take the other senses into account such as touch and smell. Nothing makes a space feel smaller than musty, still air. If there's good air flow with the overall layout and furniture placement, we physically feel as though we're in a wide, open space. Consider the house design and how to make the most of indoor-outdoor living with low, modern furniture that helps the home feel more spacious.

Contact Us About Small House Floor Plans in NSW & ACT

When you build a new home for yourself and your family, you deserve to know that it's built to last. At MexLucky, our 35+ years of experience speaks for itself. No matter how big or small, our expert home builders can bring your dream house design to life in NSW and ACT. Start the journey towards your forever family home by contacting us online or calling on 1300 555 382.