From the moment we first walked into the display home, Tracey was friendly, kind and extreamely knowledgeable

To date, our experience building with MexLucky has been entirely positive and it is because of the efforts of one team member in particular - our Building & Design Consultant, Tracey Neilsen.

After spending the best part of 2 years searching and comparing builders across various display villages all over NSW, we were finally able to settle on the beautifully designed San Marino at the Oran Park display village - Tracey had a huge part to play in our decision.

From the moment we first walked into the display home, Tracey was friendly, kind and EXTREMELY knowledgeable. It was evident from the beginning that she knew the building process from top to bottom and was able to guide us through it effortlessly. Tracey made such a large, daunting decision in our life feel comfortable, easy and so attainable.

Even when her job as our Building & Design Consultant should have ended, Tracey remained our most valuable contact throughout the continuing process, helping us to resolve any issues that arose - whether it was related to our build or not. Tracey would go above and beyond without question and continues to do so.

For first time home builders, having someone so reliable with a true knowledge of the complete home building process, has been invaluable. We appreciate Tracey’s efforts so much – we absolutely could not have done this without her and we cannot recommend her more highly. She has become such an important part of our lives and so much more than just our “Building Consultant”.

We consider ourselves to be extremely fortunate to be able to build our dream home. With Tracey’s input, guidance and ongoing help and support, what would have otherwise been a daunting process has been a very positive experience and we are so glad that we decided to build our home with McDonald Jones. Thank you Tracey – We appreciate everything you’ve done for us.