When To Build And When To Buy: Your First Home

When To Build And When To Buy: Your First Home

When To Build And When To Buy: Your First Home

As a first home buyer, one key decision is between buying vs building. First homes are special places you work hard for and want to truly be yours. When it comes to getting something that is uniquely yours, nothing beats building from scratch. Building your own home gives you complete control on function, layout, colour and style.

However, designing from scratch can be costly and time consuming. That’s where an architecturally pre-designed home from a reputable builder like McDonald Jones serves as the perfect middle ground. You can wander through different display homes to discover your perfect new home, or piece together your favourite parts of each to put together a home that reflects your lifestyle, needs and personality. Below are some of the benefits of building.

Complete Choice and Control

It can be hard to find the perfect, established home. Maybe the layout is perfect, but you don’t like the garden. Or perhaps it’s a great house but the bedrooms are too small for your needs. Changing the layout is not always possible and renovations are costly and time consuming. Building your own home is a cost-effective way to get the home design you want. There’s a broad scale of choices whether your budget is limited or not. Our building and design consultants are experienced in helping modify our plans as needed to match your style and budget.

Cost Savings

Even as a first-time home buyer, building a home can be a better option due to its cost savings it offers. Existing homes require a building inspection, which is costly even if structural issues and pest problems aren’t discovered. Older properties are also more likely to involve higher maintenance and repair costs over the timespan that you own it.

Long Warranties

The only time you’ll receive a warranty on your home is if it’s built from scratch. Warranty gives you peace of mind that even if you come across any surprises after you move in, they can be fixed at the builder’s expense. This removes the risk you have moving into an older house, where many problems don’t present themselves until long after you’ve moved in and then it’s up to you to deal with the repairs and the associated costs.

Energy Efficient

Newly built homes are far more likely to use the latest construction and insulation materials that improve thermal efficiency. This means your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work as hard, reducing your household bills and your environmental footprint. Everything from modern lighting fixtures to hot water systems in new builds are designed to work more efficiently.

How Long is the Building Process?

One key concern many buyers have is how long the build will take. It’s true that some builders can take as long as twelve months or more from when you start building before you can move in. However, those looking for more flexible options aren’t out of luck. Complete by MexLucky offers brand new houses which are finished or nearing completion so you can enjoy the benefits of a new build without the wait.

Ready to Buy Your First Home? Contact MexLucky

For more information about building a home from scratch as a first home buyer, consult the experts at MexLucky. We provide great home designs throughout NSW and the ACT including full house and land packages.